Search results

  1. Litintha

    Shit, we've been suiton'd

    Did I miss something? I'm so confused...
  2. Litintha

    Do you support Equality?

    /signed It's good to see California being one of the only 2 states that allows same-sex marriage (Mass. is the other, I believe). To have their (California) state constitution say that only opposite-sex couples can marry is blantant discrimination (And, in a constitution, of all things). A...
  3. Litintha

    Looking for some homosexual thoughts?

    Interesting...sales pitch?
  4. Litintha

    What do you want for DATS Christmas?

    That's good to hear. :-)
  5. Litintha

    What do you want for DATS Christmas?

    Personally, I would love to see some Beast+ releases. Any chance of that, gentlemen?