Recent content by Zeromaru

  1. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    Los Angels is on fire. It's still burning and spreading. It looks like the end of the world. How soon could it be stopped?
  2. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    It's true that Shanghai is called "Magic City". But this calling was probably from a Japanese novel author. We think of that there is no magic in this world and we are not the magician they called. But we can make a barrier which cannot be broken so easily. Even this is the strongest storm in...
  3. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    Funny event happened in ChinaJoy this year. At the end of June, my disciple Hanekawa told me that she would go to Australia and may return in August. This means she may surely missed this show and it also mean I need someone else to do the makeup work. At first, I asked Anne for help and she...
  4. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    A joke from a highschool student. Sue picked a pack and hide it into her pocket quickly. But her deskmate Bob noticed this. Bob: All right. Just what kind of snack do you have? Don't you want to share with me? Sue: As you wish. Then, Sue threw it on Bob's face. Bob: Dammit. That's tampon.
  5. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    Funny homework again. This time is a mathmatics one. Grandpa: You know, I am 66 years old. Little girl: Oh, your age is 8x+2 than me. Question: How old is this little girl? Answer from a pupil: 66x8 is 528 and plus 2 is 530. So this girl is 530 years old. Comment from the teacher: Is this girl...
  6. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    Hey, what's wrong with DATS recently? I can't visit DATS for several days.
  7. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    Funny homework from a teenage student. Lee wants to see a film with his classmate. His mother ask him, "Is your classmate a boy or a girl?" "A girl." Lee answered. Then his mother disagree him to see the film with her. Q1, Why Lee's mother did this? A: Because his mother thought that he maybe...
  8. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    Most of us are cured but not fully recovered. The health power is not the same as before. Even this is the case, we need to work right now. There is no more time left, it seems that the new office will be completed next months. I should prepare to move in.
  9. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    There is no need for any PCR or code right now. But most of us were infected and thousands of them were killed. I got infected as well, this is not like a flue. We only hope that COVID-19 will not affect us like before and life could be like what it is like before this virus was found.
  10. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    Another update. Now the public places are divided into two parts. Indoors and outdoors. We don't need PCR if we enter the outdoor places like stations, parks, squares but we need PCR in 48hours available when we enter indoor places like restaunts, markets, mansions. Health code will not be...
  11. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    This rule is finally changed. Due to most of positive events were found in some paticular place, now there is no need for PCR report when you take public traffics. But some place like markets, restraunts, KTV or some entertainment mansions, 48 hours PCR report is needed due to there are too many...
  12. Zeromaru

    Requesting Deltora Quest Reseed

    Here. Text only. No TLC or edit work.
  13. Zeromaru

    Requesting Deltora Quest Reseed

    Hey, you know, when Shanghai is locked down due to the virus is spreading, I found text files in my old HD which I never throw it away due to I don't want anyone recover the file I deleted. Sorry for that I just see your reply 3 years after you post, but if you think it is useful, I will give...
  14. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    Well, I am back. I am too busy these days. Shanghai was locked down in April and May and open again in June. We need to do too much after that. Another problem is that due to Omicron is too annoying, it spreads faster than we expected. Nowaday, we need to have PCR check at least once in 3 days...
  15. Zeromaru

    Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!

    Although my wife had already left the hospital, she needs two months for recovery and return to her hometown for lunar new year. As Omicron has been founded in several local cities, it's quite danger to go out even the city is not locked down. I just left a message to my wife and this year...