RollEXE Jun 4, 2008 Yes I do! Though I don;t have much stuff~ It's I think that's it.
PrimoPiccolo Jun 4, 2008 Dude, you were already on my friends list months ago. What's with the second request?
AoBfrost Jun 3, 2008 you said you like football? Is like soccer as we know in the USA? Where you kick a white ball? Or do you mean football where you toss a brown leather ball? Frost r C0nfused!!1!11one you said you like football? Is like soccer as we know in the USA? Where you kick a white ball? Or do you mean football where you toss a brown leather ball? Frost r C0nfused!!1!11one
Nemomon Jun 3, 2008 And You must upload images once again... And like i said before, i'm not mad at You.