>>68487 >Rub your eyes, fondly recollect dreams of cute goat boy, try to ignore the nightmarey bits, and proceed to check for jobs.
Nan shivers. The dream was palpable and terrifying. She's got cold sweats.
Nan's boyfriend sits up, startled, and asks her if she's all right. He says she's shaking, she must have had a very bad nightmare.
>>68497 >Check inventory for cross-shaped pendant.
Nan leans over her boyfriend and examines the cross-shaped pendant Henry got her as a present for her birthday.
He apologizes for not getting the alarm clock fixed yet, and tells Nan it's still displaying weird numbers. He just set his watch instead.
>>68502 >"It was about ... when I met you, honey. In the hotel with the flaky lights, and the ratbells?
That's not how they met!
>>68503 >Nan should probably ask what time it is from her boyfriend, then. Don't want to be rising too early, or sleeping in too long, right?
He informs her it's 10:30 and they slept in, but he decided since it was the weekend they could afford to. Probably as good a time to get up as any, he says.
>>68501 >..try and read something.
Nothing to read here, how about the newspaper?
Nan decides to get the newspaper and asks Henry what he wants for breakfast.
Henry says this time, he's making breakfast! French toast and hashbrowns.
It's his specialty.
Nan Quest Part 3, prepare yourself, the mindscrew just gets worse from here.
Also, from part 3 on Weaver no longer uses title pages for some reason, which there is none here.
He also stops replying to comments for some reason, which is why whatever choice he picks is not displayed in posts. You shouldn't have much problem filling in the blanks yourself.
Nan is still wearing her shorts and a nightshirt.
Nan tries to calm herself and inspects the cubbyholes. There are two items here: a BALLPOINT PEN and a MAGNIFYING GLASS.