Xen's Free Time!


Local Mr. Cutesy!
Between here and there, Xen has been busy working on forum stuff, including Ad Artwork and Videos since he volunteered to help a friend with a forum. He did not want to let all his time spent away from here go unexplained, so he brought his artwork here as well. =D
Here's the Banner Xen made! =D
Here is also another Banner themed for a poem Xen wrote with it called "Bonds vs. Blight." 0_0
Here's one called "Wish Right Now!" which was for a similar forum...and yes, Xen knows the quote is overused. >.<
Xen also did art and resizes for other people, but he doesn't think it's too good. D=
Last but not least, the video Xen just finished today and went to a Digimon forum Xen roleplays at and went, "OMG! There was another Digimon Forum Xen was at!" and had to Google like a mad Xen! >.<
So, Xen has been a busy Xen and hopes this explains his actions! It's nice being back though. =3


Local Mr. Cutesy!
Thank you, Thank you! Xen spends a lot of time (That which isn't spent in College books) working on the stuff and it's only one tenth cool of what everyone else works with. X_x


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
I need to get back into doing stuff like this. I haven't done it in a while. Though I prefer coloring in manga rather than finding art to use, it makes it more fun for me.