Where would you live in the Digital World?


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
Where would you live in the Digital World?

Imagine you are going to the Digital World to live (yes long shot but hey)
Which area would you like to live in? Which universe of the Digital World would you go to? V-Tamer, Adventure 01, Tamers etc?

For me it would be Adventure 01 - Vamdemon Castle or V-Tamer Nightmare Castle - of course both being Vamde homes lol


Sub Editor & RAW Scan Provider Purdy Thing
That's a toughy. For now, how about the Gomamon's beach home in Frontier? That place looks nice~


♥ Webcomic Fiend ♥
Hard question. D:
Probably in that one town in frontier with datamon running his shop. The town where they mixed up the digital code to make it harder to get to. Either that, or with Nephyrtymon (sp?) in Ophanimon's castle. The digital world wouldn't really be a fun place to live for a human unless you had a digivice and a digimon. XD


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
Akai Shuichi;13099 said:
That is because Frontier is like the only series that takes place 100% in the Digital World

Minus 1 episode in which Takuya goes home!

Hagaren Gao

Guess I'm fired now
Hm, thats a toughie.

Nowhere in Tamers looked like a great place to live. We didn't see much besides the desert.

Frontier had a crapload of places, like the Toucanmon's hut by the beach. Oh, that sounds fun actually. I'd have to keep an eye on my Digivice, but maybe I'd live there XD

Savers's world is way too anti human to live it >__>

After the whole VemonMyotismon thing, Adventure's Digiworld would probablly be the safest to live it. Everything seemed peacefull. And I admit, Digi-Chinatown looked tempting.

Then again, anywhere with my Gaomon ^___^


DC Comics Enthusiast
I would live in Seraphimon's castle with two of my favorite Digimon, Seraphimon and Sorcerymon.