Updated, I think
So I just spent about ~20 minutes and I think I've got the portal all up-to-date with our current releases and whatnot.
April 6 was, for some random reason, "Push Out Day"... we released a SHITLOAD, and I mean a SHITLOAD of backlog. So much backlog in fact that...
[21:21] <~Scipio> it's kinda strange
[21:21] <~Scipio> we have basically nothing in qc o.o
We've now burned through 90% of the stuff we had just sitting there waiting to be pushed out and released. We still have a shitload of backlog, but this was a REAL good push towards getting it out.
Plus there was more that didn't even make it to the release front yet - some work was done on DQ, some work was done on "King Me!", I've bugged olid enough to do ep3... it's been a really busy day.
And also, we took over AnimeSuki's front page
You can't get much more awesome than that, eh? XD;
Well, I'm off now. It's been a long day (I was up til insane hours last night, and then I got up at 11AM... and it's now 12:15AM and I still have shit to do... mainly homework) and we've got a lot done.
We hope you guys enjoy what we've released, we've worked pretty damn hard on it
So I just spent about ~20 minutes and I think I've got the portal all up-to-date with our current releases and whatnot.
April 6 was, for some random reason, "Push Out Day"... we released a SHITLOAD, and I mean a SHITLOAD of backlog. So much backlog in fact that...
[21:21] <~Scipio> it's kinda strange
[21:21] <~Scipio> we have basically nothing in qc o.o
We've now burned through 90% of the stuff we had just sitting there waiting to be pushed out and released. We still have a shitload of backlog, but this was a REAL good push towards getting it out.
Plus there was more that didn't even make it to the release front yet - some work was done on DQ, some work was done on "King Me!", I've bugged olid enough to do ep3... it's been a really busy day.
And also, we took over AnimeSuki's front page

You can't get much more awesome than that, eh? XD;
Well, I'm off now. It's been a long day (I was up til insane hours last night, and then I got up at 11AM... and it's now 12:15AM and I still have shit to do... mainly homework) and we've got a lot done.
We hope you guys enjoy what we've released, we've worked pretty damn hard on it