Thomas' Mansion
I'm currently planning to rebuild Thomas' mansion with "The Sims 2". For that I need of course every tiny piece of his mansion that was shown in Savers. But I don't know in which episodes scenes with Thomas mansion appear. So, would you please help me out? ^^
Episode 3: Beginning - Shower scene
Episode 10: Lunch with Marcus and Kristy
Episode 14: Drinking tea before entering DigiWorld
I'm taking screencaps and try to make "concept art" out of it so I get a feeling for the different rooms:
After that I will try to rebuild it with The Sims... But before I need every episode with his mansion...![Smile :] :]]()
I'm currently planning to rebuild Thomas' mansion with "The Sims 2". For that I need of course every tiny piece of his mansion that was shown in Savers. But I don't know in which episodes scenes with Thomas mansion appear. So, would you please help me out? ^^
Episode 3: Beginning - Shower scene
Episode 10: Lunch with Marcus and Kristy
Episode 14: Drinking tea before entering DigiWorld
I'm taking screencaps and try to make "concept art" out of it so I get a feeling for the different rooms:

After that I will try to rebuild it with The Sims... But before I need every episode with his mansion...