September 3rd, 2010
You read this, you'll have an idea of what's happening this month.
So what's happening?!?!
Deltora Quest
15 has encode. Needs to be typeset.
16-18 are edited, timed, and TLCed. Waiting on encodes.
19-65 are at editing/TLC/encodes.
^ manga
Maybe not dead.
5-6 is FINALLY in QC. zzzzzz
Hipira-kun / Weiss Survive R
All in QC~
Dark Cat
1-5 are timed and waiting on me, 6 is being TLed as I type.
11-14 are in QC
15-17 are TLed, in need of some love
18-25 (only 7 more eps!) need TLs.
Ep1 is gonna be put in QC at some point today
Various OVAs / Short Things
Mushrambo Movie:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc - upload dvdiso (that's waiting on me)
Yurumates:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Kawa no Hikari: tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (Shizuru has been busy with life and only does this when she's bored)
Hen Zemi:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Kanokon 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Kanokon 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Twin Angel 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Twin Angel 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Quiz Magic Academy 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (qc is mostly done)
Quiz Magic Academy 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Chocolate Underground Movie: requires luv from ryan
Class 5-2 / Marie & Gali
Require [energy]
Wanna HELP?!?!?
We REALLY need Quality Checkers. Like right now!!!!!
You read this, you'll have an idea of what's happening this month.
So what's happening?!?!
Deltora Quest
15 has encode. Needs to be typeset.
16-18 are edited, timed, and TLCed. Waiting on encodes.
19-65 are at editing/TLC/encodes.
^ manga
Maybe not dead.
5-6 is FINALLY in QC. zzzzzz
Hipira-kun / Weiss Survive R
All in QC~
Dark Cat
1-5 are timed and waiting on me, 6 is being TLed as I type.
11-14 are in QC
15-17 are TLed, in need of some love
18-25 (only 7 more eps!) need TLs.
Ep1 is gonna be put in QC at some point today
Various OVAs / Short Things
Mushrambo Movie:
Kawa no Hikari: tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (Shizuru has been busy with life and only does this when she's bored)
Hen Zemi:
Kanokon 1:
Kanokon 2:
Twin Angel 1:
Twin Angel 2:
Quiz Magic Academy 1:
Quiz Magic Academy 2:
Chocolate Underground Movie: requires luv from ryan
Class 5-2 / Marie & Gali
Require [energy]
Wanna HELP?!?!?
We REALLY need Quality Checkers. Like right now!!!!!