September 25, 2010
So we kinda died recently. SORRY It's been a crazy few weeks for all of us. And I think the birthday rush kinda burnt us out. BUT LOOK FORWARD TO OCTOBER.
And the encoder thing kinda went pooooop in the toilet.
Deltora Quest
15 has encode. Needs to be typeset. Still
16-18 are edited, timed, and TLCed. Waiting on encodes.
19-65 are at editing/TLC/encodes.
^ manga
blade will kill me if I say it's dead
Ep2 airs October 3rd. So pretty soon
Waiting on Alt for MOAR tls... and he seems to have ~~vanished~~ again....
15-17 are TLed, in need of some love. So blade, gimme encodes!!!
18-25 (only 7 more eps!) need TLs.
Ep1 is almost done =o= Still. This is ENTIRELY my fault tho. It's been ==ready== for me for ages. I just haven't done anything. >_> Blame stupid work, giving me full time when I'm taking full time school...
Various OVAs / Short Things
Mushrambo Movie:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc - upload dvdiso (that's waiting on me)
Yurumates:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Kawa no Hikari: tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (Shizuru has been busy with life and only does this when she's bored)
Hen Zemi:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (mostly typeset!!!
Kanokon 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Kanokon 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Twin Angel 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Twin Angel 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Quiz Magic Academy 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (qc is mostly done)
Quiz Magic Academy 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Chocolate Underground Movie: requires luv from ryan
Class 5-2 / Marie & Gali
Require [energy]
Wanna HELP?!?!?
We still need QCers!
[small]Wow, not much changed... still..........[/small]
So we kinda died recently. SORRY It's been a crazy few weeks for all of us. And I think the birthday rush kinda burnt us out. BUT LOOK FORWARD TO OCTOBER.

And the encoder thing kinda went pooooop in the toilet.
Deltora Quest
15 has encode. Needs to be typeset. Still
16-18 are edited, timed, and TLCed. Waiting on encodes.
19-65 are at editing/TLC/encodes.
^ manga
blade will kill me if I say it's dead
Ep2 airs October 3rd. So pretty soon

Waiting on Alt for MOAR tls... and he seems to have ~~vanished~~ again....
15-17 are TLed, in need of some love. So blade, gimme encodes!!!

18-25 (only 7 more eps!) need TLs.
Ep1 is almost done =o= Still. This is ENTIRELY my fault tho. It's been ==ready== for me for ages. I just haven't done anything. >_> Blame stupid work, giving me full time when I'm taking full time school...
Various OVAs / Short Things
Mushrambo Movie:
Kawa no Hikari: tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (Shizuru has been busy with life and only does this when she's bored)
Hen Zemi:

Kanokon 1:
Kanokon 2:
Twin Angel 1:
Twin Angel 2:
Quiz Magic Academy 1:
Quiz Magic Academy 2:
Chocolate Underground Movie: requires luv from ryan
Class 5-2 / Marie & Gali
Require [energy]
Wanna HELP?!?!?
We still need QCers!
[small]Wow, not much changed... still..........[/small]