Ryuusei no Rockman Tribe Episode 01 (XviD)


Life is the best
GSR;18761 said:
Ah, that's my fault. A bit of a mixup on my part so it got uploaded there early. Then I thought we were releasing it yesterday so I didn't remove it. But then we didn't release it yesterday so it's still up there, and now I don't know when we're releasing it, so I'm removing it.

And before you say anything we're not being cruel and witholding releases or anything to be mean, we're just trying to get things lined up for an orderly release schedule.

Ugh, I knew I should've removed it when I realized about the mixup. Greg'll have my head for this.

O ok thnx and i hope it will be released soon


Shasta Beast
Ekkk I'm having trouble with the MU link. Though by the looks of things it may just be my end as its dling a 24KB file rather than the 60-something MB its meant to be.

EDIT: I knew I should of held off posting that. For some reason it was just my download manager. It usually gets along with MegaUpload.

Hahah I wondered how War-Rock could 'accidentally' swallow a sword. I'm guessing Subaru isn't aware of his fellow classmates knowing who Rockman is?