Running vb3.7 GOLD


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
Running vb3.7 GOLD

Yeah, so all of the bugs that we've been dealing with lately *should* be patched up. :)

If you find any others, feel free to contact me either through the forums (assuming you can XD...) or by e-mail ( if the forums are borked enough that you are only able to do it outside. ^_^


Does it cost money to upgrade? Or is a general upgrade free? :/

But anyways, wow, it seems so flashy with the "GOLD" in the name. ^_^


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
We've got gold "gold" always believe in your....

what oh ok i'll stop singing.


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
Once a year I have to pay for the files, but general upgrades are free. ^^;