[Req] Byousoku 5 cm (English)


THE all-high-and-mighty
[Req] Byousoku 5 cm (English)

Does anyone know if there's even english subs for this movie? The story seems so nice... and I wanted to watch it but it turns out that all I could find were Italian or Spanish subs.

>_> My 3 years of Spanish class does not allow for me to be able to speak and read and understand Spanish very well...

So... yeah.... Byousoku 5 cm?


My brother watched it in Chinese subs... he says its "Friggin' beautiful".

I'm currently downloading another version, hopefully its subbed in English. If it is, I'll tell you the link. :)

Oh, if you're American, ADV has the license.

EDIT: I got it downloaded!!!

Only... it's in Hungarian subs..... Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! D:

BIG EDIT!!!!: I torrented it, and it is in English subs. I googled a site for it, but the file name is :

I hope that helps. You could try www.isohunt.com