Recruiting for a full team
Here at DATS, we're about as low on staff as Masaru is on patience, and Agumon is on intelligence, and Touma is on loyalty.
...just kidding on that last one.
Anyways, we're basically in need of the full sweep right now.
Translators Should be able to translate a full episode in a reasonable amount of time. We'd like to get something besides KKM at a weekly schedule, but it's kinda hard to do when translators are busy with two billion other commitments.
Plus, having a semi-speedy schedule of getting translations encourages the rest of the team to be speedy as well.
Translation Checkers Should have a firm grasp on the Japanese language, and be able to notice when there is a glaring error in translation. Like normal translators, a speedy return would be nice.
Editors Should be able to take a rough Japanese translated script, and turn it into gorgeous English. This will require you work one-on-one with the translator on any lines that seem slightly fishy, so that meaning is not lost.
This can be a high-stress position, and isn't to be taken as "Oh, just grammar mistakes~~~"
Timers Should be able to get a translated script fully fine-timed within 48 hours. On occasion, delays are understandable, but I'm not interested in more timers that take 2 weeks to time an episode.
Typesetters If you don't know what this means, you aren't qualified.
Encoders Be able to work with a variety of sources, from ugly YouTube source to HD television rips. Also should be able to produce a variety of formats, XviD hardsub, h264 HD softsub, h264 hardsub, etc.
Quality Checkers Should have a firm grasp of the English language, and beginner understanding of all the fansubbing steps. It is important that our QCers note when something is wrongly timed, or a sign is off a few frames.
If you're interested, please either reply to this thread (guests are allowed to post in this section of the forums) or send me an e-mail at
Here at DATS, we're about as low on staff as Masaru is on patience, and Agumon is on intelligence, and Touma is on loyalty.
...just kidding on that last one.
Anyways, we're basically in need of the full sweep right now.
Translators Should be able to translate a full episode in a reasonable amount of time. We'd like to get something besides KKM at a weekly schedule, but it's kinda hard to do when translators are busy with two billion other commitments.
Plus, having a semi-speedy schedule of getting translations encourages the rest of the team to be speedy as well.
Translation Checkers Should have a firm grasp on the Japanese language, and be able to notice when there is a glaring error in translation. Like normal translators, a speedy return would be nice.
Editors Should be able to take a rough Japanese translated script, and turn it into gorgeous English. This will require you work one-on-one with the translator on any lines that seem slightly fishy, so that meaning is not lost.
This can be a high-stress position, and isn't to be taken as "Oh, just grammar mistakes~~~"
Timers Should be able to get a translated script fully fine-timed within 48 hours. On occasion, delays are understandable, but I'm not interested in more timers that take 2 weeks to time an episode.

Typesetters If you don't know what this means, you aren't qualified.
Encoders Be able to work with a variety of sources, from ugly YouTube source to HD television rips. Also should be able to produce a variety of formats, XviD hardsub, h264 HD softsub, h264 hardsub, etc.
Quality Checkers Should have a firm grasp of the English language, and beginner understanding of all the fansubbing steps. It is important that our QCers note when something is wrongly timed, or a sign is off a few frames.
If you're interested, please either reply to this thread (guests are allowed to post in this section of the forums) or send me an e-mail at