Need Translation for a Japanese Song


Class S Irregular Hunter
Well, probably, there is a Chinese version of this song. But I need to translate the Japanese version.

Honey くれたよね わたしに
愛のメロディ 今
心の中で 響いてる
Honey, I give the to you, my love melody, now it is echoing in my mind.

Honey 君はなんでも お見通し
伝えたいの 私の気持ち
Honey You're everything I expected
To tell you my feelings.

笑っても 泣いても
No matter smile or cry, I want to tell you.
The heart distance become zero.

送るわね Honey
愛の言葉 顔文字たくさん使い
二人でヒミツしましょ 愛を感じていたい
Honey I'm sending lots of love words to you.
I want to feel the love of us.

君が呼ぶ Honey
甘い言葉 心のブログ更新し
幸せと 驚きで 飽きないの
Honey I call you with sweet words, my heart's blog updated, filled with happiness and surprise.

ねえ わたしに 君教えて
Then I will tell you.

Honey くれたよね わたしに
愛のイヤホン 今
心の中で 使ってる
Honey, I give the to you, my love earphone, now it is used in my mind.

Honey 君の声しか 聴こえない
頭の中 ハートでいっぱい
Honey, I want to hear you from head to heart.

喜びも 悲しみも
No matter happy or sad, I want to share with you.
I want to feel the same feeling.

送るわね Honey
愛の言葉 顔文字たくさん使い
二人でヒミツしましょ 愛を感じていたい
Honey I'm sending lots of love words to you.
I want to feel the love of us.

君が呼ぶ Honey
甘い言葉 心のブログ更新し
幸せと 驚きで 飽きないの
Honey I call you with sweet words, my heart's blog updated, filled with happiness and surprise.

ねえ わたしに 君 教えて
Then I will tell you.

Well, well. The original video I have uploaded and I also made Karaoke subtitles.