Need Quality Checkers
So it's that time of the year when we need people that can check our projects before they're ready to be released to the public.
General Requirements:
1) Be willing and ABLE to download at least 3-5 episodes a week. The file size varies depending on the show.
2) Be able to NOTICE when something is spelled wrong, or a phrase is awkward, or whatever.
3) Be able to NOTICE when timing is screwy. If a scene is timed completely off, ANYONE should be able to notice it.
4) Be able to READ at least 2-3 chapters of manga per week, depending on availability, and NOTE when there is something wrong.
5) Be active.
Scar's Requirements:
1) You must be able to talk and type.
Cael's Requirements:
1) Don't go inactive for more than 7 days without telling us that you're leaving.
General Description: Being part of the QC team means that you get to see stuff before it's released, and you get to make a DIFFERENCE, to make DATS's releases the BEST they can possibly be.
General Statement: Scar & I decided to let a few people go because of unexcused inactivity. Now we're looking to replace those few with more individuals who would like see DATS keep up its productivity and increase it.
If you want to join our DATS' Quality Checkers Team then simply reply and let's see what happens
So it's that time of the year when we need people that can check our projects before they're ready to be released to the public.
General Requirements:
1) Be willing and ABLE to download at least 3-5 episodes a week. The file size varies depending on the show.
2) Be able to NOTICE when something is spelled wrong, or a phrase is awkward, or whatever.
3) Be able to NOTICE when timing is screwy. If a scene is timed completely off, ANYONE should be able to notice it.
4) Be able to READ at least 2-3 chapters of manga per week, depending on availability, and NOTE when there is something wrong.
5) Be active.
Scar's Requirements:
1) You must be able to talk and type.
Cael's Requirements:
1) Don't go inactive for more than 7 days without telling us that you're leaving.
General Description: Being part of the QC team means that you get to see stuff before it's released, and you get to make a DIFFERENCE, to make DATS's releases the BEST they can possibly be.
General Statement: Scar & I decided to let a few people go because of unexcused inactivity. Now we're looking to replace those few with more individuals who would like see DATS keep up its productivity and increase it.
If you want to join our DATS' Quality Checkers Team then simply reply and let's see what happens