My new signature image


My new signature image

Well, I got bored, so I pulled out my digital camera, worked around in The GIMP for about ten minutes, and got this. I decided it fit in decently with my current signature, so I added it. Take a look \/ below, please.

King Dusk

so i herd u liek mudkipz?
Interesting... So... Uhh..

I have no clue what to say about it. It's interesting, most definitely. But why'd you put it in between the two lines of text? :D


Dunno... It looked good to me that way.

I have now changed my avatar as well. Vive le Rockman!

I got rid of the signature image... It started to even annoy myself, and I have a high tolerance for that kind of silliness. Then again, I spent half the day working with Windows Vista, so I already had a headache :p.