Large forums Vs Small forums


New Member
Large forums Vs Small forums

What do you prefer, a forum with a lot of people or a forum with a few people?

I personally prefer smaller forums where pretty much everyone knows each other fairly well, sorta like this one. In big forums, you pretty much only know the mods, and thats just to know which ones to avoid.


New Member
Not all big forums are like that, I'm very active in a big forum and I know almost everyone there. But you're right, most large forums are the way you said.
I like small forums, but if they don't grow then they slowly die, like mine.


New Member
I perfer a smaller forum, usually about 700 people at most. That way you can get lot's of topics going and you can get to know each other.


Quality Check<br><span style="color: #1894fe;"><b>
I actually prefer forums with a larger amount of people. I'm in a forum with well over 100,000 members and I know most of the active posters fairly well. The advantage to the larger ones are that there is usually several posts a minute 24/7. I like things that are fast paced, but that's just me.


New Member
Small forums ftw!
Small forums usually have less spam and less stuff that pisses me off =D