It IS all about the goggles after all....


AMV Freak
It IS all about the goggles after all....

Not mine, but I didnt know where to put this, so I decided here.... I found it extremely hilarious:

One of the chapters is just too good not to share, so I'll post it here..XDD

Digimon said:
When the group landed in the middle of a dense and colorful forest, they had first discovered that each of them (except Mokona) had a strange, small, metal device on them. Then they were hounded by four small and adorable creatures, singing how that they were going to be great partners or something and save the Digital World together.

Before Kurogane could kill that sickeningly cute mini-dragon (dragons were not supposed to be this cute!) to get it off his leg (NO! The creature claiming to be his partner was like a sugar-high, reptile version of the wizard!), Sakura closed her eyes and seemed to glow for a brief moment. When she opened her eyes, a voice that wasn’t her own spoke out of her mouth.

Sakura (or whatever just possessed her) began to explain how the group had been chosen as the ones to save this world from a great and powerful evil. Before anybody could protest how busy they were (saving an entire world tends to be time-consuming), possessed-Sakura said how the great and powerful evil only recently became great and powerful due to properties of a mysterious white feather.

That got everyone’s attention.

Possessed-Sakura continued on how whenever the Digital World was in peril, it was normally tradition to snatch some children from another world directly linked to this one to save them. But lately, that idea got to be old, as it wasn’t fair to place the weight of the world on the shoulders of preteens who were likely to be too distracted by the incoming of puberty. The Sovereigns, the rulers of the Digital World, had seen the group traveling through dimensions, and things seemed to be perfect. Three battle-ready males (and a female) would have a much better chance at saving the world than kids (in less time too!). The feather would only fuel their motives.

“Of course, there was also one more thing that made you all the perfect candidates for this,” possessed-Sakura said solemnly, pointing to Syaoran.

“What’s so special about me?” the brunette asked.

“You have something very special that gave us no doubt that you would all be chosen,” possessed-Sakura said. “The symbol that would show that you could lead you and your group to victory…”

Syaoran swallowed, wondering what it was that made him so special.

“Your goggles.”

(cricket chirping)

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?" Kurogane roared, while shaking his leg vigorously in an attempt to dislodge the dragon attached to his limb.

Possessed-Sakura walked over to him and yanked him down by the collar so that their eyes were at the same level, and said with such seriousness, "Do not underestimate the greatness of the goggles."