Help on making a website and hosting


New Member
Help on making a website and hosting

My friend and I are trying to make a website but the problem is hosting. We want to put anime stuff in there. We can't find a hosting that would let stuff like that or torrent.


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
There are not many good free hosts out there (all have popups etc) i've paid for my hosting for a couple of years now.


Boom de yada boom de yada
Host Gator is the best thing I've come across. In the year I've had it it's never once gone down. I want to say it's around $60 - $80 a year. FTP access, PHP and SQL database support too. Around 150 gigs of space and... I'm not honestly sure of the bandwidth. I don't have a single complaint about it though.

DO stay away from Fuitadnet! I had that between 2005 - 2007. They "claim" to backup the sites nightly, but everytime it would go down we'd end up with backups from two + months ago. And they go down weekly to boot. Their customer service is less than friendly about getting things back in working order too. >_<


Active Member
Loves Being Poked

I run a small hosting company that runs off my own servers, so anime content would be completely tolerable. (I used to have my own anime site lol) Researching my site probably wont pull up many results as I haven't really advertised much or done much as far as getting it going. I mostly host friends/friends of friends and various people I've met that needed hosting, so I can't really show anything to make myself as reputable, but I truly won't screw you over in anyway. My servers contain my own personal projects and various data as well, and I host some sites for friends as well. I take care of everything I do.

I'm not sure if advertising one's own services is allowed here (haven't really been active too much lately, and haven't read rules in a long time *goes to do that now*) but since replying to a request, hope it's okay. If not go ahead and delete. Anyway, I don't know how much space you'll want, or how you'll want to pay (monthly, quarterly, yearly, whatever) but if you want to discuss things lemme know. I'm not going to be too picky as far as price, but I don't want to get ripped off either. For an example to work with, if you want 5GB Space and 50GB transfer, I generally charge $8 a month. For you (or anyone from Dats that may need hosting for any reason) I'll throw out $5 a month as the cost. You can upgrade to more space as you need it, if you go over bandwidth it's an extra $0.50 a gig, unless you wish to just upgrade at that time.

This is a stable linux server located in San Jose, CA. 100mbit connection. Includes DirectAdmin control panel (easy as hell to use. If you need help setting up forums and some basic things, I don't mind. Though you're site and everythings all you.) Unlimited e-mail accounts, webmail, unlimited ftp accounts, unlimited mysql databases, etc. (if you need any features, ask and I'll let ya know full details)

If you're interested at all, my contact info is as follows:

E-mail: ("business" e-mail) (personal e-mail)
AIM: Ligekun

Or you can just PM me here. Feel free to ask any questions. I hope this is of some use ^-^.

Edit: Not to toot my own horn, but my support is kickass. I have no life so I'm almost always available. I have a job, but have computer access. Plus I help with things that most hosts out there don't, since I don't have a huge client base. I offer 30 day money back too, so if you end up hating the service just ask for your money back. I'll help you transfer any files you've uploaded to your new host. The entire intent of this post is to help. (I like helping people). I'd offer free hosting if I could, but money's evil lately for me, and bandwidth costs money so bleh. I'll try and be as flexible as I can with pricing though ^-^