... Thank you so much. I've been in a semi-bad mood the last few days (lost job Friday morning) and unable to really laugh. The "I don't have a personal grudge" followed by -2, again, made me roflmao. Whether or not I am psycho for laughing so hard at something that's not THAT funny, I sincerely thank you for breaking my negative 'tude xD
Joey887: 28
Zelsius: 30 (-2)
Vande: 32
digiboy123: 34
Magna: 34 (+2)
Splash: 36
In that case I'll help kill... For now. My picks are somewhat random since I don't like/dislike any one of these people... 'cept maybe Joey, since I have no idea who he is! (Sorry Joey :x) MAYBE I SHALL KILL HIM LATER?! (In multiples of -2 attacks anyway... Not IRL

Okay... Shutting up now <.<