Firefox 3 is in the books!


Gurren Brigade Member
Firefox 3 is in the books!

The application by Firefox has been approved by GWR, and the official count stands at 8,002,530.

The anti-cheating methods that the Firefox team used to ensure that only one download was counted per person were numerous:

  • They had a cookie system in place to track which IP addresses had already downloaded Firefox within the 24 hours.
  • They created IP logs for 10% of the downloads, which were internally hosted. These logs and their IP-duplicate percentage created the basis for the multiple-download ratio for the other 90% of downloads, which were verified by Guinness themselves.
  • Only fully transmitted, standard installer downloads were counted. It was easy to track this because updates simply weren't counted on the computers serving the downloads.

And finally, they got the official certificate. Go Firefox 3!

As of 22:12:30 PM EDT (02:12:30 GMT the next day), there are now 30,717,932 downloads.


I downloaded the first day but I don't use it that much.