After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
Favorite Occult Digimon
Since it's Halloween and all, why not pay tribute to our favorite creepy Digimon. You know, Demon Lord-type, Undead-type, along those lines. Heck, even Digimon like Pumpmon count (his head's a symbol of the holiday, after all).
Daemon absolutely rules. Ever since I first saw him in Adventure 02, he's haunted my imagination. Bob Pappenbrook's voice for the dub was just perfect. I even wrote a series of fanfics about that version of his character. Plus, you've got to love Digimon with alternate forms.![Smile :] :]]()
Since it's Halloween and all, why not pay tribute to our favorite creepy Digimon. You know, Demon Lord-type, Undead-type, along those lines. Heck, even Digimon like Pumpmon count (his head's a symbol of the holiday, after all).
Daemon absolutely rules. Ever since I first saw him in Adventure 02, he's haunted my imagination. Bob Pappenbrook's voice for the dub was just perfect. I even wrote a series of fanfics about that version of his character. Plus, you've got to love Digimon with alternate forms.