DP115: The Wild Junsa and Partner Perap!


DC Comics Enthusiast
DP115: The Wild Junsa and Partner Perap!

Source: Pokeani

DP115: ワイルドジュンサーと相棒ペラップ!
DP115: Wairudo Junsaa to Aibou Perappu!
DP115: The Wild Junsa and Partner Perap!

This episode will air on February 19, 2009.

Dub Names:

Satoshi = Ash
Hikari = Dawn
Takeshi = Brock
Pocchama = Piplup
Guregguru = Croagunk
Musashi = Jesse
Kojiro = James
Nyass = Meowth
Sonansu = Wobbufet
"Wild" Junsa = Wild Officer Jenny
Perap ("My Buddy") = Chatot
- If I need to add more, I will. Just comment or PM me.
- Characters/Pokemon/Cities in BOLD indicate debuts.
- If a Pokemon does not have any change in its name from Japanese to English, it will not have an "____=____" .

This Junsa kicked butt! I love her bowling balls and lol at Team Rocket's Bowling Pin Mech.