Very interesting Scans.
I wonder what that black spot on Raramon is supposed to be on 008. ( Her Expressions are hilarious.

Sunflowmon has a nice smile. And she is quite small, compared to the others.
Kudamon seems to be able to change between a form with legs and a more spirit-like form. Aswell as a Bullet Form.
Ikuto's boomerang looks bigger in the series.
085 is just hilarious.
Yeah for Yoshino's outfits!
Hehe, that one pic looks like GeoGreymon and Soulmon are pals.
Love Lilamon's expressions!
Is Falcomon showing us his butt in 139?
Stimson for sure looks like Kurata here.
Gawappamon, yeah!
10 Years Ago Kurata somehow looks better trained than present one.
The KnightChessmon Scans make me wish they would have been used more often.
Whoah! Headless and one armed MirageGaogamon!
231-232 are really intersting. It gives not only a size comparism, including proving that Lilamon is indeed taller than Sunflowmon, but it also appears that Belphemon has a tail there. Also looks like MachGaoga is smaller than Gaoga would be standing on his hindlegs ( sorta like WereGarurumon in Adventure )
Rosemon for sure offers an interesting view without her cape. So we can see how her outfit looks at her back. And how the vines from her chest continue. ( To her arms )
Lover smile when she kicks butt!
I might be wrong, but does Yoshino's chest look smaller in her second outfit?
Also looks like Satsuma is no longer the biggest man, once Ivan pops up.
Also noticed that Megumi always looks way more happy than Miki.
Guess 269 shows us how unmasked Leppamon looks like.
(Bio)Lotusmon really looks friendly here. Interesting that they call her Lotusmon.
BioSpinomon = Badass!
Also a nice view on how the very badass Shawujinmon looks without his cape!
Interesting how the Uniform Designs changed.
Also noticed that Masaru is wearing his DATS Uniform in the Burst Evolution Sketch.
Hmm, Mirage for sure looks like WolKaiser on that one sketch.
The Sketch with Rosemon's Forbidden Temptation kinda looks like she is ripping off her clothes herself. Also noticed that the victim is Ogremon.
And Agumon looks bewitched here.
5 Year old Yoshino? Since she is 18 in the series, that means two things: She and Raramon have been partners for 13 years, and Digimon came to the human world earlier than 10 years ago.
Yeah for Yoshino's mother and sisters! We don't get enough of them.
Ahh, the cuteness of Budmon!