Digimon handheld...or tamagachi???


Detective Conan God
Digimon handheld...or tamagachi???

I'm sure thousands of you remember back in the late 90's when the birth of handheld gaming came out... the tamagachi handheld device. Another item came out at nearly the same time.... The first digimon handheld game (based on adventure 01) released. Which did you buy, tamagachi or game? ( I'm not talking about the v-pet, I'm talking about the little device you had to shake endlessly for your digimon to "walk" around to defeat different enemy digimon as they came.)

I got a digimon device, since it made no special difference to me. Plus it turned out as an added bonus for me when all of my friends' pets died because they sucked at taking care of them, while mine was close to finishing off the game.:D:D


V-Pet Geek
I had one of the original v-pets when they first came out. Then I got the Digivice when it was released (and another v-pet on clearance, since the first got lost somewhere). I like the originals better; the Digivice got a little boring for me but the originals have the added challenge of trying to raise every Digimon in the game, which is a little more involved than the Digivice was.


New Member
me and my brothers got a different color of all the digivices. Mine were always the red ones 'cause i'm obsessed with the color :rolleyes:


DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official
I got a tamagachi before anybody had heard of digimon (well, perhaps those with internet and if Youtube etc was around then) but later I got one of the digivices (blue I think).