Digimon Adventures

Digimon Adventures

Since Ryuu-Rogue just dropped Digimon Adventures, I was wondering if DATS might consider finishing the last seven episodes? It would be nice to have the series completed.

D1 Unit

Digimon Refresher Unit
Yeah, I just see what's going on too. I'm so shock about this.

Maybe DATS will...


Boom de yada boom de yada
Seriously.. WTF do I have to do to see the end of Adventure and Zero 2 in something other than English or raw? You can't tell me DATS, Ryuu-Rouge and WPP are the only three subbers out there who care enough to even START such a task...

Like I said though, I'm sure they have their reasons... I just wouldn't mind knowing the WHY. ;_;


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
If people kept being assholes all the time about it not being released when stuff happens would you want to continue? No, neither would i so i don't partically blame them.


<b>Super Moderator</b><br>♥ TOMATO ♥
You worried people need better stalking skillz. +w+

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Special things such as direct downloads (and other nice surprises) posted here will mostly be available to community members, so please join and have fun with us!


THE all-high-and-mighty
LAWL Point proven.

I agree I thought people would have better stalking skills. There ARE reasons to join a comm.

Or, you know, read previous posts if you are a member of said comm. <_< >_>


New Member
*Giggles* Ya know~ It's quite odd isn't it? You guys that always whine and troll the comm ended up getting trolled by the same people who get trolled. *giggles*


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
DATS will be picking up Adventure, and will start with episode 1, and do an episode approximately every other month.

Look forward to it! ^_^


New Member
We were even luck to get adventure subbed to begin with. At least toei is releashing 02 subbed on crunchyroll.