Digimon Accel Evo Q Can Kimeramon digivolve from BladeKuwagamon in the Digimon Accel?
Cael Guest Jun 25, 2007 #1 Digimon Accel Evo Q Can Kimeramon digivolve from BladeKuwagamon in the Digimon Accel?
Airdra V-Pet Geek Jun 25, 2007 #2 Yep. Chimeramon's Evolution Requirements said: From Coelamon: - Water 6-10, Machine/Mutant 11-15, Beast 20. From BladeKuwagamon: - Water 0-5, Dragon 6-10, Insect/Plants 20. Click to expand... And in the future, you can check File Island for all your evolution requirement needs.
Yep. Chimeramon's Evolution Requirements said: From Coelamon: - Water 6-10, Machine/Mutant 11-15, Beast 20. From BladeKuwagamon: - Water 0-5, Dragon 6-10, Insect/Plants 20. Click to expand... And in the future, you can check File Island for all your evolution requirement needs.