Digimon Data Squad - German Dub Review
The voices are very good (in my opinion). Agumon and Lalamon sound very much like their Japanese voice actors. Marcus and Yoshi sound a bit different, but very likeable. A lot of the time you had the feeling that the actors were just reading the script, but especially at the end their performance was great. Sampson's voice actor sounded very familiar, I think I already knew him from other dubs. Kudamon sounded a little too impassive and female, very much like in the Japanese version... oO
Let's come to the changes. We have "Yoshi" and "Sampson", but I think that's because of the license... Well, we'll have to live with that. Much better change: We have the original intro, but with German lyrics! It just felt right. Nevertheless the lyrics sounded a bit forced and meaningless. But the original isn't that much better when it comes to this.

The background music was taken directly from the original. They also played "Believer", but the quality of this song didn't impress me... -.- It was the right song, but the performance seemed a bit cheap and it distracted a little bit from the actual battle scene. We also have an "original outro" but it consists only of some scenes from the episodes and the chorus of the intro with the credits running down. Actually not worth noting... *g*
The best thing about the episode were the things that haven't been changed. The "DigiSoul" is called... "DigiSoul"! I was actually surprised and very, very pleased about this. Also some other changes made in the American dub weren't repeated in the German version. Kamemon doesn't speak a single word, the "Closed" sign on the door of the tower wasn't translated and Agumon kicks Marcus directly into the groin! ^^
The translation is pretty faithful to the original. It's not too direct, but also never too far away from the original script. Furthermore they translated "aniki" with "Großer Bruder" (big brother). I was surprised by this, because "Großer Bruder" doesn't sound as good as "aniki" or "boss", but I think it's OK. Marcus also calls Agumon "Kleiner Bruder" ("little brother").
Of course the show is called "Data Squad", nevertheless they kept "DATS" as the name of the organisation Yoshi works for. They even translated the acronym "
Abwehr- und
Sondereinheit" which is very close to the original meaning (they just replaced
Accident ("Unfall") with Defense ("
Abwehr") because of the A.
It's worth noting that even Kokatorimon kept its name while it was already known as Cockatrimon in the German dub of "Adventure".
Wow, this became a very long post!^^
All in all I'm very happy with our dub. It's very faithful to the original and the changes are kept to a minimum. So, gimme more, please!
![Smile :] :]]()