Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII


I forgot so I spent all my money so I can't get it tomorrow D=

I'll either get it next week or for my birthday


No understanding of money
I've got one... But, I'm stuck with a mission.. A mission which looked like MGS, but more harder than MGS. Since then, I spent most of my time doing side-missions.

Sir Kibbles

New Member
Just beat it today, it was amazing!!! I wish they would remake FF7 for the psp with those graphics but leave the original battle system. What mission are you talking about? Like, part of the story or one of the mission mode missions?

EDIT: OHHHH I know what you're talking about now! If you just mess up like 5 or 6 times you can progress without sneaking in. Thats what I did cause I suck at stealth type games. lol
I have the game and I am pretty far. It's a really good game. I absolutely love it!
edit: I beat it last night, great game, love the ending! Kind of a sad ending though.