Cost of Rent.....


New Member
Cost of Rent.....

Is $950 a good amount to pay for rent? Cause I thinking about getting this "luxury" apartment, and I ONLY have to pay $950 a month, which I already have a housing loan for. This apartment is VERY nice, and new! It has property insurance, security, in a good neighborhood (West Los Angeles), it's right by LAX [the airport] (it's literally in the backyard, lol!), and by the beach! I have pictures, but I can't get them off my cell phone to computer yet. The room I'm renting is a VERY nice size plus it has it's own bathroom and a walk-in closet! Plus a BEAUTIFUL view! And the best part is, it is only like an hour away (on bus) from my school! This is heaven compared to the place I'm staying now, which is about a 2 1/2 to 5 hour bus ride!!! :eek: And the cost of rent for the apartment (I'm only renting out a room from my would be roommate) is a total of $2,250!!! :( And I only have to pay $950!!!

So yeah, what do you think? Good deal or bad? :confused:


Some city in Germany.
The price you mention there would probably be acceptable in Hamburg. Here, it'd be understood as a joke - for a single room. A bad joke, but still.


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
But you're talking LA here. Prices there are fucking absurd. D:

I wouldn't say it's the best deal persay, but when you compare it to your current situation, it's a lot better option. :x


Sub Editor & RAW Scan Provider Purdy Thing
Best deal? >_> I rent one of my houses for $200 a month here, and that includes everything.

I guess that would be considered average lease in LA, though.


&hearts; Webcomic Fiend &hearts;
Around here that's the cost of a 2-3 bedroom house, or a 1-2 bedroom apartment in the nicer parts of town. I guess that's good there though xD
Digi, $200 O_O?


Sub Editor & RAW Scan Provider Purdy Thing
Yeah, $200. It has 1 bathroom and 3 bedrooms. And the living room is kinda big. It's the only one we don't use, so we rent it out. It's better than just letting it sit there.


&hearts; Webcomic Fiend &hearts;
This one has 4 bedrooms, a den, a big living room, a kitchen, and a full basement (Which is partially finished) and we're paying something like $12~1300 a month on it. The last one was $800 with 4 bedrooms a living room a basement and a third of the square footage of this one. (Note though that those houses used to be military housing and thus are very cheap, it would have been this expensive if it hadn't been out of town and owned by the company it was)
I would love to live where you do ><


Boom de yada boom de yada
Good Lord, almost $1000 for rent? Around here that'd be a morgage payment.. though ours is about $2000 with electric and phone.. we work on a well.

Of course most people around here get minimum wage of $6.68/hr or less.

If you can afford it then go for it, personally it wouldn't make my $10/hr salary. I still can't afford to move out of my parents place. -_-


New Member
amigobro2;12905 said:
Is $950 a good amount to pay for rent? Cause I thinking about getting this "luxury" apartment, and I ONLY have to pay $950 a month, which I already have a housing loan for. This apartment is VERY nice, and new! It has property insurance, security, in a good neighborhood (West Los Angeles), it's right by LAX [the airport] (it's literally in the backyard, lol!), and by the beach! I have pictures, but I can't get them off my cell phone to computer yet. The room I'm renting is a VERY nice size plus it has it's own bathroom and a walk-in closet! Plus a BEAUTIFUL view! And the best part is, it is only like an hour away (on bus) from my school! This is heaven compared to the place I'm staying now, which is about a 2 1/2 to 5 hour bus ride!!! :eek: And the cost of rent for the apartment (I'm only renting out a room from my would be roommate) is a total of $2,250!!! :( And I only have to pay $950!!!

So yeah, what do you think? Good deal or bad? :confused:

I live in NY and around here, that'd be a pretty nice place to live. If you're rooming with someone and all the utilities are covered, then the rent seems almost too good. However, one thing you would have to consider is if the noise from the airport will bother you. I don't know if winter plays a big role in L.A. but, if it's cold and you're near the water, then you should probably dress warmly. Other than that, I say go for it, since it's half the price of your current living place.

Good luck deciding.


Rokkuman-sama~ ^^;;
That amount, for a luxury apartment, is actually quite reasonable, going by the scales I have in my local area. At the moment, my rent is US $510 a month for a small, 2 bedroom apartment, but I know my landlord personally, so I'm paying less than what another person may pay for it. Housing around here has really gone up, some people having to pay in excess of $1200 a month!

I suppose it doesn't help that I live in the 2nd fastest growing area (development and population wise) in Australia...


The Mysterious Stranger
Here in Chicago, my sister pays around $700 for a single room + tiny kitchen + bathroom. The view isn't great at all (but she lives in an amazing neighborhood) but the place she lives in looks EXACTLY LIKE THE SHINING. It's really horrifying visiting her at night...

I'd expect the same with LA. Big cities charge a lot for small things.


I pay around 850$ for a 1 room, nice big living room, decent kitchen, and awesome neighborhood.

I share a room with a partner, so we manage with rent and all helping each other out.


New Member
Cool, these all are A LOT of help on making my decision!!!!! This is my second option to the dorms on my campus, which makes this decision WAY more harder!!! The rent a month for the dorms are $450 cheaper, however, there's way too many rules and some other crap!!! Plus I don't get my own room, I CAN'T bring my furniture, CAN'T have people over at a certain time, and A LOT of other things! I love the people there and all, but I just can't deal with some of that crap!!!!! It makes it so, stuffy and crowded! This is a once in a life time deal! Where am I ever gonna find something this good, in California right now, at this price ever again?!

Now I HAVE to decide by tomorrow.....

(So much stress!)