Come on guys, let's be nice here


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
Come on guys, let's be nice here

Lately a lot of the introduction threads have gotten kinda nasty - warning people to be leery of the "killer Admin(s)" or having some random gif image of a scary looking guy...

The purpose of an introduction thread is to WELCOME the person to DATS. If they're posting, I'm going to assume they've read the rules, so they don't need to be warned about that.

If there are members to be leery about, they'll find out soon enough by reading and posting around.

Really, these kind of comments/posts are jabby and not very nice, nor very welcoming. So please stop them and remember to actually WELCOME our new members - not warn them against things they'll probably never have to deal with. :x


New Member
Scip, may i commenting?

It's true that some posts in the Guestbook were telling some name of Admins which are credited as the "killer Admin" or sort
And, some of them who say it, are my friend

There will be 2 things of effects caused by this
First, will make the new members more wary about what they will do in the forum
Second, Will make the new members "hate" that "killer Admin" or something like that

Of course, if you already assumed them to read the rules, they will be done the first option
This is not a matter, since we do need to be careful on using forum since we usually didn't realized that we may post spamming all over the area

The second one should be avoided at any cost, since if members hate Admins, they might leave the forum, and leave their account inactive
You, and the staffs, of course, don't want this thing happens right? Since members are important to forums, and their good replies makes forum lively

It's good that you've assumed new members to read the rules, and post the rules on the front of the main page
So, the newbies know what the do and the don'ts

Talk about the members who say warning things to the newbie, i guess it's a good option if you put your post when a newbie came, and telling the members who greet the newbie, to make polite welcome greetings.

Maybe i talk too much already
Sorry, i'm just commenting
Please don't mad


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
We can tell when people haven't read the rules and give a gentle reminder if we need to tell them to go read em.


Mii-Chan's #1 fan!
But von karma is very welcoming, the taser is just for looks!

Kiddings aside, I do agree that people should be kinder to one another in the introduction threads, this is a welcoming community, not one where we hog it to ourselves and scare the new members away.

Just remember folks, many of us at one time were new, you were accepted, so accept others and treat them like you want to be treated on these boards.