ChikoritaKaizer's RP (2)


Eternal V-mon lover!
ChikoritaKaizer's RP (2)

Before we proceed any further, please do answer these questions sincerely.

1) If Pikachu would be a Digimon, then Agumon would be a...

a) Pokemon!
b) Digimon!
c) Uhh... hybrid?
d) I don't know

2) Should Light and Darkness collide, which side shall win?

a) Light
b) Darkness
c) Neither

3) Demons or zombies?

a) Demons!
b) Zombies!
c) Neither

4) If you were to kill a living being, would you...

a) Laugh menacingly after that
b) Just turn your back and ignore the corpse
c) Go WTF after that
d) Hide the corpse somewhere
e) Tell the whole world you killed it

5) Do you prefer to rob the Digi-Bank for BITS or do you prefer to take lives away?

a) Rob
b) Kill
d) Neither...


Eternal V-mon lover!
Voice: Darkness... the essence that created this world. Darkness... the core where all has begun...

-You, Kumiko, suddenly found yourself in a graveyard.-

Kumiko: Where is this?

-The sudden chill that went down your spine...-

Voice: Ho?

Kumiko: I've been hearing you for quite a while already.

Voice: How brave of you to speak to me at this tone... for I am the Queen of the Afterworld.

-A silhouette begun to materialize in front of you. A huge Arkenimon appeared before you. She wore a black, night dress and black, violet crown.-

Odessa: I'm Queen Odessa, Queen of the Afterworld.

Kumiko: ...

Odessa: I don't blame you to be frightened. NO one escapes the afterworld, after all.

Kumiko: Why did you bring me here?

-Suddenly, you begun to see your surroundings clearly. The area was full of skeletons and skulls of dead Digimon. Occasionally, you can also see some rotten Digimon corpses carrying candle lamps and walking around aimlessly. In the middle of those bones, you see a black throne. The air was stagnant and cold-

Odessa: Have you heard of Seyfert?

-You have 3 choices-

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not sure


Eternal V-mon lover!
Odessa: Yes. That's correct. How I want to crush that guy so much!

Kumiko: I can see.

Odessa: Hmph.

-She turns and points to a purple crystal close by. As you may have noticed there are a lot of those crystals around as well.-

Odessa: See that purple crystal?

Kumiko: And...?

Odessa: We call that "Ectoplamers".

Kumiko: Your point?

Odessa: They are said to absorb malice, hatred and evil from the Digital World and thus transforming them to evil spirits.

Kumiko: What does have to do with me?

Odessa: You lust for power, correct? Our side needs Tamers like you.

-Answer in your own words-


Eternal V-mon lover!
Odessa: I like your attitude.

Kumiko: I still don't get your point.

Odessa: I'll grant you a Digimon from the Ectoplasmer. Provided if...

Kumiko: A Digimon?

Odessa: Yes.

Kumiko: ...

-Answer in your own words-


Quality Check<br><span style="color: #1894fe;"><b>
Kumiko: What's the catch? Nothing in this life is free. And how did you know one of my deepest desires?


Eternal V-mon lover!
Odessa: I AM the Queen of the Afterworld. Your thoughts cannot run away from me.

Kumiko: ...

Odessa: I'll let you slip this time, girl. Tell the Ectoplasmer your greatest desire.

-Explain your actions in your own words-


Quality Check<br><span style="color: #1894fe;"><b>
-Go to Ectoplasmer-
Kumiko: I'd like to have a Dorumon that is powerful and can help me fulfill my deepest desires.


Eternal V-mon lover!
-Nothing happened...-

Odessa: You don't desire it enough.

Kumiko: What?

Odessa: I see. So you're not so serious after all. The Ectoplasmer didn't grant your wish.

-Explain your actions in your own words.-


Quality Check<br><span style="color: #1894fe;"><b>
Kumiko: I have never desired anything more than to have a powerful Dorumon, for that is my deepest desire. That's not to say I don't have other deep desires, but that is by far the one that I want the most. How can I desire it any more than that?


Quality Check<br><span style="color: #1894fe;"><b>
-Kumiko puts her hands on the Ectoplasmer, closes her eyes, and starts to concentrate hard on her desire to have a powerful Dorumon.-


Eternal V-mon lover!
-The more you concentrated, the more the crystal glowed. It glowed until a beam of light escaped from it. That beam of light stopped right beside and begun to materialize into a familiar shape.-

Odessa: Ah, a Dorumon. Very nice choice.

-A Dorumon appeared before you. It looked at you.-

Dorumon: You wanted me?

Kumiko: Yes.

Dorumon: I don't care who you are.

Kumiko: What?

Dorumon: I returned from the spiritual world to find my old Tamer. I don't belong to the likes of you.

Kumiko: How can you say that?

Odessa: Rather stubborn Dorumon, hmm?

Kumiko: Say...

Dorumon: I only listen to my old Tamer's words.

Kumiko: How did your Tamer die?

Dorumon: Busybody.

Kumiko: ...

-Dorumon looked rather sad.-

Dorumon: ChikoritaKaizer...

Kumiko: What?

Dorumon: None of your business.

Kumiko: I wanted a Dorumon that was powerful. What kind of Dorumon is this, Odessa?

Odessa: Hmm... it seems that his soul was restless after he died. His soul was always looking for his old Tamer. I also heard his Tamer became a Dorumon as well. I wonder what happened to him?

-Dourmon smirked-

Dorumon: He must have died to the likes of you!

Odessa: The Ectoplasmer has really given you stubborn Digimon... would you like to try again? I could rip of this Dorumon's body now...

-Answer/Explain your actions in your own words.-


Eternal V-mon lover!
Dorumon: Simply put, I don't obey people like you. All you want is just powerful Digimon to win, right? I don't need nor want Tamers like you.

-What will you do?-


Quality Check<br><span style="color: #1894fe;"><b>
Kumiko: Odessa, could I get another Dorumon? I don't think that I will be able to win with one that will not obey me..


Eternal V-mon lover!
Odessa: Gladly.

-Odessa approached Dorumon-

Dorumon: W-What are you doing?!

Odessa: Kill you, obviously. You're a useless soul now. I'll send you to Hell's Gate.

Dorumon: Hell's Gate?!

Odessa: So that you shall be eternally tortured.

-Dorumon panicked-

Dorumon: I-I won't allow you!

-Odessa used one of her eight legs and grabbed Dorumon-

Dorumon: !!!

Odessa: Be nice and go to Hell.

Dorumon: N-No...!

Odessa: I'll force you then.

-What will you do?-