Challenge of the Super-Mimis


New Member
Challenge of the Super-Mimis

Thought that'd get your attention. Let me get to the point. Forums are great places to generate ideas, so let me ask the question:

If Mimi became a Poison Ivy-like Supervillainess, what would her Supervillianess name be?

Bonus points if you can come up with a sinister scheme for her.


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
I would think she'd use Black Rose or something similar related to her Digimon evo lines.


I'd go for Briar Rose. ;)

And yeah, she would probably be a total diva who doesn't care about anything as long as everyone worships her... She would live in the highest tower of a castle covered in thorns. She is guarded by many plant Digimon and a Coredramon.


Savers Girls Fanboy
Three Coredramon ! Green, Blue and Pink ( I guess a Dracomon who hangs out too much with a Rosemon would become pink due to the Tifaret. )

Don´t forget Monchromon. She has one in D-1 Tamers.

Perhaps also Otamamon and Gekomon as her Servants.

Evil Rose Princess Mimi !


Oh yeah, Tifarets. She would wear a Tifaret-necklace. And her corrupted powers would help Palmon to reach the Ultimate level - but of course this would result in a evil black leather form of Rosemon. ;)

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
If basing it on her anime persona only, and with Adventure (not 02), I'd go with Evil Princess or something along the lines of it.


New Member
Heh, good names. It's also hard to say how malicious or creative Mimi is. Not exactly strike fear in the hearts of blah blah blah.

I love "Ya-Mimi" that sounds great.