August 23, 2010
For every person that replies here, I will send Futamaru one PM requesting moar TL/Cs.
So, say 5 people (different people, of course) replied, then Futa would get 5 PMs requesting/demanding that Hipira, Bakegyamon, Deltora, etc. would be done.
Continuing on......
Deltora Quest
15-16 are edited, timed, and TLCed. Waiting on encodes.
17 is edited, waiting for timing/TLC/encodes.
18-65 are at editing/TLC/encodes.
^ manga
I think we can call this dead right now. k:3
5-6 is timed but I'm being lazy about the typesetting. After that, we need TLs.
Futa says he'll TLC 3-10. So, soon. (Really)
Weiss Survive R
Fully TLed, fully edited, waiting on encodes
11 & 12 are being fixed up by digi, then applied to new encodes by blade.
13+ are in need of some work.
Sitting in QC.
Ep1 is waiting on an encode and then we're almost done.
Various OVAs / Short Things
Mushrambo Movie:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc - upload dvdiso (that's waiting on me)
Yurumates:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Kawa no Hikari: tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (Shizuru has been busy with life and only does this when she's bored)
Hen Zemi: getdvdiso - tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (Megumi is amazing like this)
Kanokon 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Kanokon 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Twin Angel 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Twin Angel 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Quiz Magic Academy 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (qc is mostly done)
Quiz Magic Academy 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Chocolate Underground Movie: requires luv from ryan
Class 5-2 / Marie & Gali
Require [energy]
For every person that replies here, I will send Futamaru one PM requesting moar TL/Cs.

So, say 5 people (different people, of course) replied, then Futa would get 5 PMs requesting/demanding that Hipira, Bakegyamon, Deltora, etc. would be done.
Continuing on......
Deltora Quest
15-16 are edited, timed, and TLCed. Waiting on encodes.
17 is edited, waiting for timing/TLC/encodes.
18-65 are at editing/TLC/encodes.
^ manga
I think we can call this dead right now. k:3
5-6 is timed but I'm being lazy about the typesetting. After that, we need TLs.
Futa says he'll TLC 3-10. So, soon. (Really)
Weiss Survive R
Fully TLed, fully edited, waiting on encodes
11 & 12 are being fixed up by digi, then applied to new encodes by blade.
13+ are in need of some work.
Sitting in QC.
Ep1 is waiting on an encode and then we're almost done.
Various OVAs / Short Things
Mushrambo Movie:
Kawa no Hikari: tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (Shizuru has been busy with life and only does this when she's bored)
Hen Zemi: getdvdiso - tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (Megumi is amazing like this)
Kanokon 1:
Kanokon 2:
Twin Angel 1:
Twin Angel 2:
Quiz Magic Academy 1:
Quiz Magic Academy 2:
Chocolate Underground Movie: requires luv from ryan
Class 5-2 / Marie & Gali
Require [energy]