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  1. Galikan

    ...what happened to Pages?

    So you've been playing TF2 Blade? What Cosplay are you making?
  2. Galikan

    ...what happened to Pages?

    It's funny becuase giant controler
  3. Galikan

    ...what happened to Pages?

  4. Galikan

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Hey Kaitou_Yahiko, hey Megumi yeah it's been a while. I think it's been a year since I was last on here O_O wow that's a really long time.
  5. Galikan

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Oh wow it has been forever since I've posted here.
  6. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    thanks Role ^_^
  7. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    I'm not really sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing!
  8. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    It seems that no one is posting in here any more...should we just give up or wait until they come back??
  9. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    You no u don’t have to quote my entire post. Anyway. The Bird attacked Reafu Woods with its mighty wings which would have destroyed Reafu Woods but he avoided the shot with invisibility. Smart move. Reafu Woods strikes hurling the long sword and hitting the bird with a direct hit. ...
  10. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    OOC: Then your just spaming this in the spam section too get Drake and Mercy up levels...:( too bad your not coming back
  11. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    :) good to see you back here...are you going to continue starforce??
  12. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    T_T OOC: I know Enigma's a boy I go to school with him....The quote was of you in your stroy indicating that you are using the star carrier whilst Enigma's saying that he uses a transer...I know what story i was looking at. I obviously didn't make it clear enough for you, for that I am sorry...
  13. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    OOC: I don’t mean to be a party pooper but you implied that you would be going into Enigma story...Correct me if I'm wrong but I have found something that indicates you cant be in the same story at this present time It states you use a Star Carrier, but Enigma uses a Transer!!! [EDIT]...
  14. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    OOC: Why don't u want to go in a battle with this guy?? And Engima has to say its ok so i can include myself in this stroy...I dont think he will. [EDIT] Scratch that he said it was ok on the phone just a min ago
  15. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    Celestio's Story: OOC: I forgot how powerfull the heatgranade is O_o..Oh well The granade couldn't be avioded and the enemy took 170 dammage. Reafu's ememy was weak and could be taken out with ease. The bird advanced and struck Reafu woods as he was celebrating the hit... Reafu woods...
  16. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    OOC: You should really come back into the RP Drake because you now have an understanding of the battle system...also Enigma and I think it will be good having u back so your not just spaming the section like you are now Starline's Story: Star: A dempa life form is like me but this one is...
  17. Galikan

    Ryuusei no Rockman RP standardized guidelines

    Yeah you tell 'em...I like all of the work you have done to make the RP easier keep up the good work Role ;)
  18. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    Thats good thats the battle style that i like...but you didn't say what you do with the cannons!! also in the character info you can put what battle cards you have so you can use what you want.
  19. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    I would recomend Celestio scince Celestio isn't GMing for anyone so in your next post request him if you want him then post your character info on the Star Force RPG character info Thread
  20. Galikan

    Star Force RPG

    You haven't really missed much...Glad to have you back :) Ok so continuing from where we left the stroy Celestio's Story: Reafu Woods jumps up to the floor above and comes face to face with a kind of humanoid creature with a birds head. Reafu Woods: Whhhoo what the hell... ???: Have...