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  1. Hitomaru

    Fun Stuff :3

    Fun Stuff :3 What to do: Share fascinating, funny stuff you see on the internet (tumblr, plurk, twitter, flickr, etc.) here on this thread for fun. :D Pages isn't everything :p
  2. Hitomaru

    Happy New Year~!

    Happy New Year~! How come we don't have festivities around here!? It's a new year so let's celebrate it, even with greetings~! ;) Happy New Year everyone~! お明けましておめでとうございます~! 新年快乐~! Maligayang Bagong Taon~! That's all I know. And, its not only Pages that makes DATS. ^^ ENTER 2010
  3. Hitomaru

    欲しい、欲しがる、たい、たがる Forms

    欲しい、欲しがる、たい、たがる Forms In Japanese, there are ways to express desire for X, where X is an object - noun or, desire to perform a Y, where Y is an action - verb. In such cases of the former, we use 欲しい to express our personal desire for an object - a noun. That is, it is something you have...
  4. Hitomaru

    The んです Sentence Form

    The んです Sentence Form In Japanese, there are two ways to disseminate facts: a) A simple sentence, simply taken as a report (declarative sentence). b) Or, a sentence that offers an explanatory/apologetic tone (んです) sentences. The んです sentence form is simply another mode of explaining things...
  5. Hitomaru

    Potential Verbs

    Potential Verbs The Potential Verb Form: If you want to express about the capability of doing X, verbs can be conjugated such that they suggest the capability of such an act. For group 1 verbs (u-ending): Change to the 'e' line in hiragana and add 'ru' 1) 読む--->読める 2) 買う--->買える 3)...