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  1. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Yep... The doctor was constantly joking about everything too, wasn't serious at all. Now because of him as well as the 2nd doctor / nurse I talked too, (miscommunication) I'm in this situation lol
  2. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    It's funny though, everyone seems to think I'm way worse than I am. Yes I broke the bones, but, once the swelling went down I've been healing super fast. I broke it 2/16 so it's only been 2 weeks about. I can't really put all my weight down on it, but, I can lift stuff no problem. Move it easily...
  3. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Yes, the doctors initial note said "Excuse Jason from work 2/17 through 3/4, or sooner if he feels able to return." So, my job expects me back, but wont LET me come back without another note stating I am now able to work ._.
  4. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    I did, after waiting about 2 hours I specifically said to the nurse "Okay, since you wont give me a note saying I can go back, can I please get a note stating that? If not I'm going to lose my job." "No, I don't feel comfortable doing that." -- I think she understood me and just flat out didn't...
  5. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    They wont let me come back from medical leave until I have a note specifically saying "Jason can come back to work with no restrictions", legal reasons ;/
  6. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Also, I have too many candles...
  7. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Woot, despite teh broken hand that is "so bad I could risk permanent disability", (according to the jerks that wont give me a note) I just packed 7 boxes, got 2 bags of shit to throw away, and basically "tidied" up my room pretty good. Yep, I can't go back to work. ._. Next time I'm not gonna...
  8. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    The Munson Hospital Urgent Care Doctor + Nurse that I spoke too :x
  9. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Good, stay away xP I find myself playing 24/7 despite the fact I don't do anything other than stalk friends. It's a evil game :x
  10. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    o_o Oregon Trail... Haven't played that in... 17 years? I remember dying almost immediately cause I can't be creative or plan anything ^_^ Good times, though. I'm on waiting list(s) for an apartment, still on medical leave from work (will be unpaid as of Friday moving forward) and doctors...
  11. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Soo. I was going to move in with my friends family as I think I mentioned here, but, as I've thought for a week now, turns out I was right. He's cutting me off and scrapped the plan. Now I have a few weeks (supposed to be by 3/1, but have til late middle of month) to FIND a place to move and...
  12. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    A sad sad day. No posts between going to bed and going to bed again ;o
  13. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Mai right. I'm right handed :X
  14. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    xP.. yeah.. I'm-a take it off "when I need to" otherwise I'll rip it off in rage and hurt myself @_@ I just cat stand being "restricted", especially since I cant use comp (my entire life)
  15. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Hmm, I didn't think it was possible, but I'm in love again... Though highly doubtful it'll go anywhere xD At least I know I'm still capable of wanting something... Anywho, I went to doctor. Don't know how much it's gonna cost yet "You'll get a bill" (exact words) but I did break hand. 4th and...
  16. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    more reason to wanna rage quit job: Call to call in, your actual department boss picks up. "Hey, It's Jason from nights. Calling to let you know I won't be able to come in for at least tonight cause I think I broke my hand." *Laughter, 2 mins later* "Ok" *laughter, 20 seconds later *click* ;/...
  17. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Why did I punch it or why was it wood/concrete? Wood/concrete - Those were the materials chosen to build hallway ;o Why punch? I got angry after being written up unfairy after being treated like shit by several bosses for 2 weeks. ;/ Yes I know it was stupid, and no normally I don't get angry...
  18. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Well, I've only known a friend for a few days now. We barely talked, we don't know shit about each other, yet, he claims I'm one of his best friends and stuff... People do this often, so it's not that weird to me for someone to do that, but, it's weird to me in general that people trust me so...
  19. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    It was solid wood screwed into a concrete wall ^_^...
  20. Lige

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    I am and always kind-a have done most typing with my left hand oddly, I only type i,o,p,j,k,l.m, and n with right hand, so it's not too hard to adjust. I still do about that, only I just use pointer finger now and move hand as little as possible. As for mouse, I barely lift hand when using it. ;x