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  1. Hitomaru

    ...what happened to Pages?

    *English mode* Hi everyone! Long time no visiting this place! Futa-chan is gay *_* a poke hurts him LOL. (^_^)v haha time to put on the disappearing act again....xD
  2. Hitomaru

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Good's the correct romanization: oo, koko wa mada you nigiyaka ya na. koko ni posuto suru no wa zuibun hisashiburi ya ne. chotto hima yakara, koko ni yotteten. wakarahenkattara, (google translate) wo tsukai. seyakedo google translate wa oosaka-ben ga dekin to omou wa. :P ANYWAY good...
  3. Hitomaru

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Good's the correct romanization: oo, koko wa mada you nigiyaka ya na. koko ni posuto suru no wa zuibun hisashiburi ya ne. chotto hima yakara, koko ni yotteten. wakarahenkattara, (google translate) wo tsukai. seyakedo google translate wa oosaka-ben ga dekin to omou wa. :P ANYWAY good...
  4. Hitomaru

    ...what happened to Pages?

  5. Hitomaru

    ...what happened to Pages?

    *pokes Futa-chan* HAHA xD
  6. Hitomaru

    ...what happened to Pages?

    おお、ここはまだようにぎやかやなあ。ここにポストするのはずいぶん久しぶりやね。ちょっとひまやから、ここによっててん。 わからへんかったら、Google translateを使い。せやけどGoogle translateは大阪弁ができんと思うわ。ハハ
  7. Hitomaru

    ...what happened to Pages?

    I'm losing grip of myself in this world again. The blood seal isn't holding ou--*unconscious*
  8. Hitomaru

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Wow this account is still alive? O_O Hi everyone xD
  9. Hitomaru

    ...what happened to Pages?

    日本からのあいさつ、 久しぶりです!日本に留学するのはもうすぐ終わるんだけど、そのおかげで、日本語能力がかなり上がってきました! 帰る時、暇の時間があったら、またDATSのファンサブ仕事をし続けると思っています。 もう少し待ってくればいいんです。その時まで、またね! Please use google translate for this one, I'm lazy at the moment to put English, coz Im studying for a unit test tomorrow haha :P Will be back soon...
  10. Hitomaru

    Happy Birthday Yahiko!

    O__o I missed this one too...OTL Happy birthday kaitou-chan :D Hope you have a great birthday over there :P *back to hibernation, its starting to get cooooold here :O*
  11. Hitomaru

    Happy Birthday Matze~

    Happy Birthday Matze-kun Hope you enjoy your birthday and you get <s>bribed</s> your money back as gifts xD
  12. Hitomaru

    Fun Stuff :3

  13. Hitomaru

    Fun Stuff :3

    The Scordit Blog,
  14. Hitomaru

    Fun Stuff :3

    found that in yahoo japan today @_@
  15. Hitomaru

    Fun Stuff :3

    While white wheels whirl, why do Wales' whales whine where whitish Whites weigh white wine in a Whitneys' wives' way? LOL WHUT?!?!
  16. Hitomaru

    Fun Stuff :3

    english master indeed haha....prolly because master is masuta if romanized and they just forced it lol
  17. Hitomaru

    Fun Stuff :3

    HAHA! u made it? :D
  18. Hitomaru

    Fun Stuff :3

    taken from our university...HAHAHA
  19. Hitomaru

    Fun Stuff :3

    YUM! :P
  20. Hitomaru

    Fun Stuff :3
