Recent content by Duskv20

  1. Duskv20

    Recruiting QCers

    So I went to go QC some stuff, and apparently I no longer have the clearance to enter that part of the forums. o.x;; Can that be fixed? I'm eager to start again. :D
  2. Duskv20

    Recruiting QCers

    AWESOME. Totally just got home, so no QCing tonight, but I am ALL over that when I get home tomorrow. Oooooohhhhhh yeeeessssss.
  3. Duskv20

    Recruiting QCers

    I QCed here for a short while, and I like to think I was good at it(I did an episode of Maple Story and I believe two of Inazuma Eleven) but life threw a shit storm at me right around that time and I kinda fell off the face of the earth. I'm back now, though, so if you guys would be willing to...
  4. Duskv20

    What are you looking forward to most?

    So... I hate to be a tool... but... I forgot the names of the other shows mentioned on the front page that we apparently aren't going to do. x.o Can someone remind me? >>
  5. Duskv20

    What are you looking forward to most?

    Shhh. Don't ruin my fantasy.
  6. Duskv20

    What are you looking forward to most?

    Takatofan is stalking me? HOT.
  7. Duskv20

    What are you looking forward to most?

    Oh, effin' H, man. >>
  8. Duskv20

    What are you looking forward to most?

    I'm with everyone else on Tamers, but I'm really surprised nobody has mentioned the new shows DATS is interested in doing that were posted on the main page. I looked up all the aforementioned shows on Wiki, and the only one I'm not terribly excited about is Inazuma Eleven. All the other new...