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  • Hey, question: Do you guys still have the original DATS sub for Digimon Savers? I prefer it over the RyRo version, which is all I can find anywhere.
    What happened to
    Uh, to be honest, probably down due to lack of maintenance. I don't believe we maintain GRM any longer. owo Sorry there.
    VD Peruvian
    VD Peruvian
    It's all good. In the final few days of viewing it before it was gone, I could've sworn I saw a new Caption This! Ah well. At least this forum isn't gone like Yoshimania or something.
    Nah, I don't think anyone has updated it for a couple years now.
    See ;o - and weird, it didn't give me a notification at all yesterday/this morning when I was on that you replied. Til this login o.o
    Oh, and so you don't have to input another FC, I'll trade it over to my Platina.
    Oh, and so you don't have to input another FC, I'll trade it over to my Platina.
    'Kay. I'll capture one for you next time I'm over there (which will be later tonight because I do my Bonguri farming every night).
    'Kay. I'll capture one for you next time I'm over there (which will be later tonight because I do my Bonguri farming every night).
    Better yet, want an Ekans? They won't stop annoying me in my SoulSilver.
    Better yet, want an Ekans? They won't stop annoying me in my SoulSilver.
    :confused: I think I saw the same picture like my avatar on image search in google.

    In that case, thanks for telling me, I'll change it. ^_^
    I'm back from dinner, so if you wanna trade, just let me know in the SPAM thread. :D
    Okay! All the breeding is done now. :D Whenever you can get Wi-Fi, we can trade for the 20 eggs + the Ditto.
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