Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Judging from megumi´s voice, I´m pretty sure she´s female ^^"


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
No. I'm not??!?!? Wow. T-shirts and trousers is all I ever wear. I mean. It's pretty neutral. Just because some of the pants I have were bought from the guys section means nothing, because, I dunno?

Megumi is a common girl's name in Japan. What do you think I am. I'm a fucking female who wears like 38C bras. And gets a menstrual period every fucking month, if the cycles aren't messed up. I'm a girl. Thank you.

Pics? 8'D
(No, not really)


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
It´s not *that* much of a Problem that you posted your bra size here: