...what happened to Pages?

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Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
I miss the days where all I did was talk to friends, play games with friends, etc... I think that's why the 'reality' of life is so hard on me atm. Having most of my friends stab me in the back and disappear throughout entire life, then starting a job being 100% alone with the remainder of my friends following the usual path... It's super depressing ^_^

Aw... I is your friend.

me too! :D *waits for someone to say "me three"* xP


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
<_< It was a good night actually. The boss lady gave compliments and got praise from her superiors ^_^... Me and co-worker kicked some major ass today. We got 1/2 of the season mod reset done. (We have til 10/16 to do it. We'll have it done 10/12 >;D -- Would say 10/11, but I work alone tonight, and I have to work 2 departments since the dairy guy has Tuesday off.)

So despite not wanting to go, glad I did? xD


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
@blade so don't feel left out, you didn't miss anything, and we didn't forget you or anything ;D...


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Two volumes of Histories Strongest Disciple Kenichi for 3 bucks each at a used Japanese book store.
I've only heard of that, never read :eek:

A kid was jumping up and down shouting "YATTA!!! YATTA!!!" when his parents bought him a used Japanese video game there. It was adorable.
;o by "A kid" you mean "I" (kidding) That is cool though ^_^ -- Even cooler for another reason: Kid is actually excited about getting something vs. expecting it. Too much lack of respect these days @_@

Also felt like I was in Japan, that part of New York was awesome.
:eek: *jealous* I like traveling. Only ever been able to fly from Traverse City, Michigan --> Chicago --> Seattle. Bus to Kelowna, BC, Canada --> Bus to Seattle --> Bus from Seattle all the way through northern US back to Michigan @_@ Other than that, drove through Canada to get to Massena (dunno spelling) NY for my dads job interview. It was a small town, so doesn't even count as NY >=o And uh... Been to Ohio / lived in Ohio / lived in Wisconsin / born in Indiana. Tis about it for me travels o.o; I need to win lotto so I can go on a world tour @_@ -- I'd invite any friends from DATS to tag along with spending allowances as well ;D.. Though my identity would be anonymous. I'd have some sort of middle man to deliver tickets 'n such <_<; (Too hideous to be seen in light >=o...)

Seriously though, I wanna win lotto just so I can travel <_<; I'd be happy with just that. Of course I wanna kill my debt / buy some nice stuff too, but, I'm not super greedy. I'd probably still have a part time job or work at my own company of sorts. I wouldn't wanna get lazy....

long post is long. </shut up>
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