More ways to watch Zero Two?!
So... if you live in North America... and you want to watch ALL of Digimon Adventure Zero Two, then waddle on over to FUNimation's Video Portal. There you can watch all 50 episodes for free in their original, Japanese form with English subtitles.
Of course, there is still always Crunchyroll, where Zero Two has been streaming for... a year maybe? I dunno, it's been up there for awhile... But you can only watch all 50 episodes on there if you have a CR subscription. Oh! Also on CR, you can purchase episodes for the cheap price of $1.99 an episode. If you purchase an episode, you can download the episode as many times as you like from 5 IPs, and the video comes in the XviD codec, so it can play on everyone's lame players they still use. BUT! You can also download iPod and PSP versions if you are lazy and don't know how to do that yourself. If you feel up for this, you can purchase the episodes here.
And for all you non-NA folk who constantly go "But it's no avaliable in my country!"... Just be patient, it may be available in time. Not much anyone can do about that besides the companies that license shows in your country and Toei.
So... if you live in North America... and you want to watch ALL of Digimon Adventure Zero Two, then waddle on over to FUNimation's Video Portal. There you can watch all 50 episodes for free in their original, Japanese form with English subtitles.
Of course, there is still always Crunchyroll, where Zero Two has been streaming for... a year maybe? I dunno, it's been up there for awhile... But you can only watch all 50 episodes on there if you have a CR subscription. Oh! Also on CR, you can purchase episodes for the cheap price of $1.99 an episode. If you purchase an episode, you can download the episode as many times as you like from 5 IPs, and the video comes in the XviD codec, so it can play on everyone's lame players they still use. BUT! You can also download iPod and PSP versions if you are lazy and don't know how to do that yourself. If you feel up for this, you can purchase the episodes here.
And for all you non-NA folk who constantly go "But it's no avaliable in my country!"... Just be patient, it may be available in time. Not much anyone can do about that besides the companies that license shows in your country and Toei.